Tree Planting Plans For 2020!

Man planting evergreen tree

After a break over the winter, we’ve revved up the Plant A Forest machine again! 

Since the fall planting, we’ve received a bit of funding from a few different sources. First of all, our company, CMS Web Solutions, is committed to buying 11 trees for every new client we sign. We’ve also had donations to plant trees in memory of someone who passed away. And the University of Toronto purchased a larger tree as a speaker gift. Why give speakers pens and mugs when you can plant a tree on their behalf?  We provide and certificate and will send a picture of the planting. How cool is that?

Next our discussions about our spring planting began with Kawartha Conservation. Their seedling program started recently and that meant we needed to get our seedlings ordered by March 15th.  The questions we needed to ask ourselves were:

  1. Where are we planting?
  2. How many trees do we plant?
  3. What type of trees do we need?
  4. When are we planting?
  5. Who is going to plant all those trees? 
  6. Who is going to provide a bit of education to the seedling planters?

In conversations, they mentioned they were having a PA Day program for kids on May 1st. Would we like to coordinate something that day with them.? Hell yes! We offered to pick up the cost of 100 seedlings.   But we needed to plant more. Any suggestions? They offered a spot in Ken Reid conservation, (beside where the kids were planting).  Boom, it’s planned! 

Because May 1st is on a Friday, we’re uncertain of the number of volunteers we’ll have to help with the planting so we are targeting 400 trees. (Let us know if you want to come out and plant some trees! ) 

We also came up with a fund matching program. For every seedling purchased for Ken Reid through Plant A Forest, we’d buy a second one!  

Kawartha Conservation will let us know what type of  seedlings they want. They also will provide a bit of instruction and education to the planters. 

We’ve also determined our location and date of the fall planting. But we’ll leave that exciting news for our next update!